Liquid energy, bright future: We develop Liquefied Natural Gas solutions to power sustainable growth.
Current Demand - Distributors and Marketers
Depending on the needs of your business, Amazonica LNG offers different modalities of natural gas supply, which includes the coordination process among the different members of the chain.

Gas 2 power and self-demand ("Gas-fired power plants"):
We generate cleaner, more sustainable and more affordable electric power. We build gas powered facilities for your business, as well as individualized solutions for your power generation.
We offer LNG bunkering solutions. With Amazónica LNG you can rely on a constant and reliable supply to keep your fleet running optimally.

Shore Connection
Our shore connection solution is the ultimate answer for a cleaner and more efficient future in the maritime industry. By choosing our service, you are opting for a significant reduction in emissions and operating costs.
EDS LNG Fleets (Liquefied Natural Gas Trucks)
LNG is the smart choice for driving your fleet toward a cleaner, more efficient future. LNG provides an economic advantage by offering a more affordable energy source at a lower operating cost compared to traditional fuels.

We specialize in providing a reliable supply of natural gas to meet the growing energy demands of the industry. By making the transition to this energy source, you will not only be reducing polluting emissions, but also improving the competitiveness of your business.
Oil & Gas (oil & gas)
We offer advanced and versatile solutions that can transform your operations, with applications ranging from peakshaving, strategic storage, flaring control and well testing.

Our Services

Amazónica LNG - All rights reservered 2023
Palermo km 3, vía Barranquilla-Ciénaga, municipality of Sitio Nuevo (Magdalena) next to the Caribbean Sea.